This TECH entry is in response to the chapter found in the Google Apps textbook labeled “Documents”. One of the first requirements in this assignment is to compare the Google Docs to word processing applications that I have used in the past. One of the only word processing applications that I have used most frequently is Microsoft Word. Word is used exclusively in military computer systems and I have only dealt with Microsoft Office in my many jobs on the civilian side. That being said, I was curious on how Google Docs worked and if it would be a suitable replacement to the expensive Microsoft Word application. I actually typed this entire blog entry using Google Docs just to use the application more and to test in a real time scenario. Google Docs operates very much like Microsoft Word. The tool bar on top is extremely easy to use and almost identical to many of the Word systems. The shortcuts that are common in Microsoft word for underlying, making print bold and italicized are the same for Google Docs. In fact in only took a couple of minutes of familiarization to use Google Docs for someone who has only dealt with Microsoft Word. The textbook and from what I have dealt with in class highlights the idea that one of Google Docs greatest strengths is the ability to share a document through the Cloud. This feature would support the Common Core Standard for Writing 6 in which emphasizes the use of writing technology to “produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others”(pg 42). The idea of not only producing a document but being able to interact and collaborate with it with other students is one of Google Docs bragging points. Google Docs has many tools to aid during the revision processes of document writing to include adding comments to a document. The ability to add comments from others help support Common Core standards found in Grade 6 in which students develop and strengthen their writing skills with the guidance and support of peers and adults(pg 64). Another benefit of Google Docs over its competitors is the price. Microsoft Office is very expensive and to use in a larger platform with many computers having access will only increase price as each computer will have to be licensed to have access. Google Docs only requires access to the internet as the software is free.
For all Google Docs is praised for, one thing I have found using this software is that it runs solely online.In order to create a document you have to have access to the internet. Even as I typed this, I was booted off four times as my internet signal strength was not sufficient. Microsoft Word can be operated completely offline which is an asset when working on a document in a location that may not have internet access. There may be ways to work offline and as I am new to the software I may simply be ignorant of such methods.
I used the document that was already shared for the class to see the idea of collaborative editing. I really like the comments feature when sharing a document. Students can submit a paper in and as the teacher, you can make comments that will help guide the student in specific ways. Google Docs is a well laid out program that could have many advantages over traditional writing formats and software programs.I think I could become a big fan of the program!
Well done. It is possible to break up large paragraphs into smaller ones for greater ease of reading. :-)